Thursday, April 7, 2011

Facing Death, A Great Interview Brings Peace

(WATCH HERE) This clip is a must watch! I have struggled with my dad's death for 11 years. This interview brought a lot of emotions to the table. I now know what my dad was feeling all those years ago. That longing to see me grow, the need to get "it all in," and the struggle to find peace with death. I know he did the last week of his life, I know because my mom has told me. I cannot remember much of my dad anymore - time is a bitch. It makes you lose your memories. It is good in some ways. It is something I tell people going through loss. Your brain eventually helps you stop remembering the bad details. I don't remember my dad's actual funeral. The only reason I know there was some part of a military ceremony is because the flag sits in mom's office. I don't know what I wore, who was there, what was said - anything. It is a lot of picture memories of that time. This article brings peace to me in that I finally understand a piece of what my dad went through. He wanted to be there, and that is a great feeling, to know that I was really wanted by him. I can tell you that if he were still here today, we would fight like cats and dogs (same stubborn personality), but I never would have felt unloved. I am just in love with this story and interview. It goes to show that you continuously grow through loss. A must share...thank you CNN for this.

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