Tuesday, August 17, 2010

If you love something set it free, if it comes back to you it was meant to be

Love is unpredictable. This is certainly true for me this summer. My love life has been a true roller coaster -- full of ups and downs. Well, my was the other way around...the downs came first. As mentioned in previous posts, Casey and I broke up early this summer. We spent several months going our separate ways, but something always seemed to come up that kept us talking the whole time.
I was so heartbroken, but I kept telling mom that if it was truly over I would feel it in my heart. I referenced a line delivered in the movie "Anne of Green Gables, The Continuing Story." Her husband goes overseas during WWI and cannot be found. She says, "If Gil was truly dead, surely I would feel it in my heart." Now, there was not physical death in my relationship, but I just knew there was more to our story.
I have considered this summer a minor speed bump in a three year journey. So many people in my life have told me that they too hit the three year mark and took time apart. I guess it comes to a realization that this is real, and sometimes that is a hard concept to grasp. We're still young, still finding our paths in this life, and so what if it took us a few stop and go's to get there? We are so much stronger than I can remember, and have grown so much during this process.
I am so glad that we are working this through, and I love being with him. He makes me laugh, he picks on me to no end and I aggravate the hell out of him. =)
Three years down...many more to come!

1 comment:

  1. It's time to update your blog with everything that has been going on lately!!
