He proposed!!!! On January 8, 2011 Casey asked me to marry him in front of some of our closest family and friends! It was my birthday present, and a mighty good one if I do say so myself! We're getting married in the summer of 2012 at the beach! -)
So, I know girls want to do know, "How'd he do it?"
I had NO idea! In the fall we jokingly stopped into a jewelry store at a mall here in town. He said, "I've never heard of this place."
I said, "Let's check it out." Totally joking mind you, and I did it just to aggrevate him. And the first ring we saw was so beautiful, I fell in love with it. We left the store and I thought that was the end of it. Nope - he went back and bought it!!!
So, flash forward a few months...I thought he might propose soon because the topic had come up a few times with friends and family. Well, Christmas passed, New Year's passed and still nothing. Then a few clues came, and I started to think it could be sooner rather than later. On New Year's Day his sister called him. Because I was standing close to him I could hear their conversation through his phone. The first thing she asked was, "Any news yet?" Hello Meredith's alert system...I thought that is weird, what news would he have that she wouldn't call me first? She usually calls me. Then two days later we got into an argument over money, and he said he was worried about a wedding, a house and kids. Another flag went off in my head. I thought, "why does he care about that all of a sudden?"
My birthday fell over the weekend, and by accident Casey kind of planned it. I kept battling with what to do, and he mentioned two of my favorite things to do in downtown, and that's what we did. He knows my obsession with Italian food so he suggested Buca Di Beppo...YUM! He also remembers how much fun we had the previous Cinco De Mayo at the Piano bar a few doors down, and I was in love with that idea.
Saturday rolls around and we head out to Buca. Dinner was amazing and shared with my wonderful friend, Cristina, my cousin Megan and her husband Richie, and our roomates, Lindsay and Randy. Amazing food!!!! They sang Happy Birthday in that utterly embarassing way and then we were on our way.
Casey and I were the last ones out the door and walking up the steps to leave. We got to the top, and everyone was waiting, but we were kind of hurrying because this is January in Ohio afterall and it was COLD! As we are about to turn to walk to the Piano Bar, Casey stops everyone and says, "I want to tell you all about my amazing girlfriend." As I turn to look at him, he is down on one knee and asks me to marry him!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!! I of course said yes!!!
Pictures, "Let me see the ring," congrats, hugs all followed! I of course called my mom immediately afterwards and sent texts out to everyone of the ring!! We went to the Piano Bar to celebrate, they brought us up on stage, sang to us and we got to dance. It was a truly AMAZING night -- one that I will never forget!
Wedding details to come ...